Thursday, November 27, 2008

Woolly Mammoths could rise again from their permafrost graves.

Woolly Mammoths could rise again from their permafrost graves.

In the past Scientists have clone Mice that were frozen for 16 years! Most recently scientist cloned “Dolly” the sheep. AND now Scientist have announced another first…

They are cloning the Woolly Mammoth. Scientist in Japan at the “Riken” Research center are opening the door to Resurrecting the extinct species. Yes that is right, If you have ever seen the movie ice age, that big elephant looking thing frozen in the ice, could be coming back to life. Originally the Scientists did not think that this would work because the ice crystals that grow in the ice would cause damage to the cell’s structures inside, however what scientists at the “RIKEN” center have discovered is that it’s POSSIBLE.

Remains of a whooly Mamoth have been uncovered in the Russian permafrost and these may contain intact cells that could be used to create a clone. Perhaps the saber-toothed tiger could also be resurrected as well! CRAZY!
There are still obstacles in the way however, to create the clone you need a surrogate egg for DNA and a mother to carry it…. I know what you are thinking… How will we get a mother from an extinct species? They are going to fertilize it in an ELEPHANT… Oh the poor elephant, what will it think when it pops out a woolly Mammoth? Basically a frozen genome from the woolly Mammoth is going to be planted into the egg from the elephant…

Oh dear, Jurassic park is real People. The extinct shall rise again.
oh and Aaron this blog is dedicated to you, not because you ARE a woolly Mammoth, but because you have the same initals... Wiggly Mort!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Sad Blog (Readers beware)

I have to honest. Today I am feeling blue. I feel like I try so hard to do my best in every decision that I make. I have actually started to think about my decisions and the consequences of them. I feel as though when I make a decision people are always questioning it or disappointed in me.

Should I really have to justify my decisions and explain myself every time I do something that someone doesn’t approve of? Why do I get anxiety over what I am doing when I know that I am trying to do my best.

Anxiety is eating away at my insides. Its like this murmur in the back or my mind and the bottom of my stomach telling me that something is wrong. I can push it away for a bit then it just comes screaming in the back of mind like a piercing deafening silent tone. This internal conflict is unpredictable. Its hits you when you least expect it. Last night it hit me in the middle of the night which resulted in a sleepless night (or a few hours) for the third night in a row. I also think this sleep deprivation is causing me to think irrationally which in turn will cause me to do something very dangerous… Speak irrationally.

If this make Any sense at all… This is how I feel.

Captivated – I am selfish, I’m wrong, I’m right, I swear I’m right, I swear I knew it all along. I am seeing in myself now what you swore you saw all along. Then denied it.

On a lighter note, Next time someone is judgmental of my actions I’m going to ask them the following questions…
How is the weather in Jerusalem?
Do the palm leaves waving actually keep you cool when riding on a donkey?
Can you tell me your name again Cause I could have swore you thought it was Jesus?

P.s. People Dont be worried about me im not sad everyday, I have just had a sad couple of weeks!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

October and Chelsea!


October is a month that I love very much. It’s a sign that the winter months are coming which right now I am very excited about because I KNOW that this year it is going to snow in Vancouver. Every Year that I have lived here it as snowed, and as the years increase, so does the snow. I also believe that it is going to be a white Christmas because, for the most part it was a fairly cold summer. Gotta love Climate Change… Which I don’t even know if I believe in, but that is for another blog, another time.
October is also an exciting Month because its Jeff’s B day, Mom and Jeff’s anniversary, (which actually is not THAT exciting for me but mom has been talking and planning her anniversary this year as long as I have been planning my wedding. I guess the big One O, is monumental,) JC’s Birthday, and Halloween.
I love Halloween. Its so awesome, OK other than the fact that it’s Satan’s Birthday or something and Witch’s and Demons everywhere are getting all pumped up to celebrate. But really, the Joke is on them. Come on Halloween is the season of giving! People dress up in fun costumes and get candy from people. That is awesome. My favorite part of Halloween is however, the babies more particularly, the babies in costumes. Last week I went Halloween costume shopping with Christina and her 1 month old baby Chelsea. I think it was up there as one of the most fun days of my life. What could be more fun than going around and finding mini penguins, tiny frogs, little mummies, small bad wolf’s, mini pumpkins and The winner, and beautiful bright pink butterfly with antenna’s and everything. It covers Chelsea from head to toe. My heart can not contain the love that I have for that little one dressed up in a full body Butterfly outfit and you can only see her cute chubby face… I love it… I need a picture in her costume, I will post one soon.
Anyways Im posting some pictures for you enjoyment as Chelsea is probably the cutest little baby ever!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Screaming Infidelities

My building manager (Wayne) officially thinks that JC is cheating on me. It all started when Gabe was in town. Wayne saw JC and Gabe hanging out on the Monday that JC had off and he knows I work Monday to Friday. He saw them come out of our suite in the morning. JC told me that they both had the just woken up look on their faces and Wayne game them a funny look. When JC was driving Gabe to the airport later that day, he saw them driving. He walked up to the truck and told JC to be safe, have a good day, and WINKED…..
(Weird, I know. This is also strange because we NEVER run into our building manager this much, Ever!)
During this week, I was bringing in some groceries and there was 3 bags and One milk jug, I Couldn’t carry it all at once and Wayne saw me struggling a bit, He came over to help. When he was helping/ watching me do work, he asked where JC was, I not thinking was like, “Oh He has been super busy with I don’t even know what?” Then fake laughed a bit to myself. I Just said that because I didn’t feel like explaining my life story to the building manager! I realize now that that was just another drop in the bucket for him thinking that JC is having an affair on me. He was probably thinking… “Oh I know what JC is up to.”
The main kicker was this morning. Last night I found out my tire had a nail in it. THANK GOD, for the trusty “help Stephanie in emergency” kit that Jeff made me a few years ago. There was this tire sealant in it, I didn’t even know that existed. (Yes the kit was equip with tire sealant and not only that, a REAL flare, and emergency blanket, an SOS sign, light reflectors, booster cables, candles, a flashlight, and much more!) Anyways the tire is repaired until after work when I go to get a new one. JC gets out of bed early this morning to check on the car and the tire. He sat in the front seat and drove for a min just to make sure it was ok. Then he sleepily in his PJ’s walked back to the house. I guess it looked like he was coming into the building from somewhere else, and who does he run into?… WAYNE!
Wayne: “Long night eh?”
JC: “Yeah, Steph had a popped tire, I was just looking at it.”
Wayne: “yes, listen, you be careful.”

JC just walked away…

Baaaahahahaha that is hilarious!

I cant wait till Laura comes to visit in 2 weeks!

Friday, August 22, 2008



Today is a glorious beautiful Friday, The sun is shining and the clouds are parting, I get up from my desk to go get a drink of water from the kitchen and to my dismay, something else was parting.
I walked into the Kitchen with my trusty water cup and standing right over the water cooler is one of our graphic designers, and he not just standing he’s stretching. This is not just any old stretch. Picture this his face was facing me and his arm was bent backwards over the water cooler onto the wall behind it, sticking his pelvis out with one leg back. It was strange. So obviously I’m going for water, I cant just turn around and walk back out because that would be awkward in itself. You have to understand one more imperative thing to this story, This guy has big muscles and is proud of it. As soon as I walked in the kitchen he started counting down from 6 like he had been counting previously from like 30 or something and I know that he wasn’t because as soon as he saw me he was like…uhhh 6, 5…, 4…, 3….,2 with a huff and one…. Ahh that feels good… So I’m standing with my water glass staring at this guy for this one very awkward minute thinking “Can I just get to the water?”
Then to make matters worse, (this is a word for word account) he was like “Oh sorry, but after I have an intense workout I need to stretch regularly the next day”
I was like “okay…”
He goes, “yeah last night I went to the gym and did like 20 extra reps than I normally do”
I go, “Cool, Do you mind if I just get in there” with a fake little nice giggle. (meaning the water cooler)
He goes, “yeah yeah cool, You like water eh?”
I smile
He Goes, “Yeah I think that I may go again, tonight, unless my friends want to have a party or sumthin.” (THIS GUY IS LIKE 30. No wonder he is single.) (well im assuming he’s single.)
“cool” I say

Then I start to leave the Kitchen ASAP and he proceeds to but both hands behind his back, stick out his pelvis so I actually have to go around him, and starts intensely counting from 30. Then I hear as I leave the kitchen, he stopped counting…

It was so awkward/strange….

I immediately thought blog!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

This Story “caught” my Eye.

You will never believe this but…
See the little girl in the picture, Well on day fishing she handed her Rod to her dad. Look closely at the rod in the picture...
Yes, that’s right it’s pink…
Yes… that’s right it’s small…
Yes… That’s right its Barbie!!!!
The caught that gigantic fish with a Barbie fishing Rod. How hilarious is that!

Think about this story when you need a laugh!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A way overdue Wedding Blog

A way overdue Wedding Blog.

My Wedding Day
My wedding day was one of the most fabulous days of my life. I ate I drank I was merry.
It all started early Saturday Morning at about 8 :00. It wasn’t raining! Holy crap! It was a good 35 degrease, at least. We started off doing hair. We is my bridesmaid, me, my mom, and Jeff. (Although Jeff didn’t exactly do hair per say…) We did our hair la deed da… it look fab, well ok. Michelle’s did not look good at all. Gabey did Michelle’s hair and it looked absolutely terrible. She got really flustered and did a bad job. I was sitting at my chair thinking about how great my hair looked and was just feeling bad for her. (don’t worry it worked out in the end, we re-did it.) The funny thing is that everyone knew it looked bad but no one wanted to say for some reason?
After hair makeup stuff was done we proceeded to have a nutritious breakfast. McDonalds Happy Meals. Oh that was pure joy. I was then stuffed into my dress so tight I could not breathe, but man I looked good! The girls all proceeded to the limo leaving Jeff to drive behind. We were supposed to be excited and drinking Champaign, but I felt like I was going to throw up and I didn’t even think I was nervous… Until this point I guess. I couldn’t breath partially due to the tightness of my dress and partially due to nerves. Once we were out I could breath a bit better.

The ceremony was one crazy thing. It just seems so strange to have to walk down an isle in this huge gown, hey I’m not saying I didn’t like it, it was just a really strange feeling. It was also like34 degrees out! Wow I was sweating like a mad man. I was a very strange experience though. To have so many people that love you come from all over just to support you on your special day. My cousin was playing the most beautiful music I have heard. It was surreal to walk down the isle. I have thought about getting married my whole life and that day was the day. I was exactly what I expected. The only way to calm my nerves was to completely pretend that I was not talking in front of everyone. I guess that kind of like the envisioning people in your under ware thing except I DID/DO NOT want to picture some of my relatives in their under ware. (freaky....)
I really liked walking down the isle with my Dad. That was cool. I liked the whole vow thing as well. However I was glad when That part was over, just cause there is a lot of pressure and so much planning and to have that part over and get the party started was awesome!

We proceeded to a “thanks for coming lineup” (I forget what they are actually called.)
Then we took pictures (which I just got back) There is some AWESOME Ones! There is like 2000 pictures… Im still going through all of them! I cant even believe it! There is some awesome ones. If anyone wants to check out like 150 of them you can go to type clients and password Stephanie.

After all that My favorite part came. The Reception. My brother Aaron Did the most amazing job I have ever seen anyone do. (I could be the MC at your wedding Aaron ;) )
He started off introducing everyone to song, which was very cute. The groomsmen walked into “sharp dressed Man” by ZZ Top (I think that is the artist name?) I wanted the girls to walk down the isly to “Bitch” by merideth Brooks… but apparently that is not “wedding appropriate” says JC. Blah…….
Then came the speeches I couldn’t possibly highlight all of them so I will take one thing that stuck out to me about all of them.

Michelle and Angela: The fact that they think of me as someone they can talk to about anything and not feel judged was a bit compliment. I also like the funny stories that were funny to me but prob no one else gets.

Laura: Her love just shone right through her speech. I liked how she said that she was my boyfriend for the time I was single. Which was true.

Gabe: My little sissy… she said exactly what I expected that she looks up to me and loves me and she doesn’t know what she would do with out me. The feelings there were pretty mutual!

GROOMSMEN: Basically in all these speeches I realized what great friends JC has. All the stories of the experiences they have went through, some I didn’t want EVERYONE to know about, but they were good

Scott: I grew to love Scott in a new way that night. To see how he loved and looked up to and respected JC and myself was phenominal

Mom and Jeff: I loved Jeff’s story about when JC and I first met. I could tell Jeff really thought about what he was going to say. Im lucky to have such a great step dad. My mommy was so frekin cute, I could just tell how happy she was and when she said she couldn’t have pick a better guy than JC, I knew she meant it.

Dad and Karen: Short and sweet I liked how they said it wouldn’t always be awesome but they have faith we will work it out. I liked that they really showed support in their speech.

John and Linda: I liked how they said that they were willing to try and get used to the fact that they have a daughter. I can really tell how much they love JC it is completely evident in everything that they say.

Aaron: This wasn’t an official speech as just a few kind words. We are best friends. That stuck out and how he is accepting jc as a new brother. That meant a lot


This was the best part I love love love loved seeing everyone dancing together! It was so much fun! Man alive! To have everyone just letting loose and dancing all night long was awesome. Even my parents danced. Everyone danced with everyone. All families intermingled and just totally let loose. It was so fun to see everyone singing a long with the songs. It was a huge party. I loved that. I think that all family reunions should have dance’s and DJ’s! Yeah! Lets do it again! Can we do that?

I loved my wedding. It was so great. Everything about it was awesome.
I’m so lucky! PS: THis PIC IS PEOPLE LETTING LOOSE> AAhem Mom and Jeff

Friday, August 1, 2008

When Im Bored at work.

I was bored at work.

The last friday of every month is orange day.

There was a contest.

I entered.

Need I say much more? lol

Here is My entry that I regrettably sent.

What it means to be orange?

When I first came to Ritchie Bros I walked into the building with glee.
My first real job, my first new fob, I though, “Well Gee!”

I sat at reception, under those lights so bright,
People would walk by saying Good Morning and Good Night.

Everything was normal since I started on a Wednesday
But came Thursday, then Friday… I didn’t know what to say!

People came in with crazy bright orange shirts,
Some were low cut, oh those little flirts!

Then bagels cookies and buns galore,
Who could really ask for more?

Then I timidly asked, Why this orange trend?
A tad bit scared that I would offend,
Would the orange monsters come after me?
Walking around with smiles full of glee?

“Company Unity they said to me!” I thought, “That’s lame how good could this be?”

My thought was interrupted by a clang and a clatter,
The Christmas tree almost fell on the poor girl on the ladder!

The noise was heard and you would never believe
Five orange shirts came trying to appease.

That girl never fell off the ladder,
Not a scratch, not a nick, not a girl shaped splatter.

I realized that day that being Orange is about work AND play.
Being orange is a community, and that community, includes Me!

Friday, June 20, 2008

AHHHHH Wedding season....

Long delay for the blog, I’m sorry! I have been planning my wedding, which has been quite busy. I can’t believe I’m getting married. Wow
There is good things and bad about the whole wedding process. If you know me at all, I am a procrastinator. This makes things difficult in planning a wedding. However also made me realize something, something’s about planning weddings are myths… so I’m here to share with everyone the great wealth of knowledge that I have gained when planning my wedding.

Top 5 Wedding Planning Myths…

01. You future husband wants to be involved in the planning.
a. This is not true; he just wants to be involved to make you happy. He does not care about colors, lace vs. silk, flowers on banisters or really anything to do with decorations.
b. Question what is the one thing that they do want say in? That’s right if you said the buffet, food or dessert. All answers will be accepted.

02. You are the most popular person in the world.
a. This is not true; I found it very interesting that friends I had never talked to talked to me because they want to come to the wedding. As much as you would love to believe that everyone wants to be you, its false

03. You look great no matter what
a. No you cannot eat and eat and eat. Just because you are getting married does not mean that you will not gain weight
b. Yes you still have to shower. Just because people say you have a bridal glow does not mean that you shouldn’t shower to the point that your forehead is actually glowing because of oil.
c. You cannot wear PJ pants everyday just because someone loves you does not mean you can do this. (I gratefully learned this lesson from my brother and then one day JC hinted I should wear jeans…how insulting BUT SO TRUE!)

04. Everyone is interested in every detail of your wedding.
a. Just because people ask about the wedding and how plans are going, does not mean they really want to know. They may want to know you 1 to 5 min overview, but they do not want to know every detail. TRUST ME I KNOW. Enough said!

05. Finally If your Day and Your day only
a. Also not true it’s just as much your mom’s, dad’s, sister’s, friend’s, and dogs day as it is yours. SO SHARE THE WEALTH

In light of my wedding season I have a few Jokes to send you off with I thought they are quite funny!

01. What's the difference between in-laws and out-laws? Out-laws are wanted!

02. To be happy with a man, you must understand him a lot and love him a little. To be happy with a woman, you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all.

03. Any married man should forget his mistakes. There's no use in two people remembering the same thing.

04.Three men were at a bar. Two of the men were discussing the control they had over their wives, while the third remained uninterested.
After a short while, the two men turned to the third and asked, "What about you? What kind of control do you have over your wife?" The third man turned to the first two and said, "Well, just the other day I had her on her knees!"
The two men were dumbfounded. "Wow that's incredible! What happened next?" they asked. The third man took a healthy swig of his beer, sighed and grumbled, "Then she started screaming at me to get out from under the bed and fight like a man!"

04. If your wife laughs at your joke, it means you either have a good joke, or a good wife.

05. One day a man came home to find his wife admiring her breasts in the mirror. He asked her what she was doing and she said, "I went to the doctor today and he told me that I have the breasts of a 16-year-old girl!"
The husband replied, "Well, what did she say about your 75-year-old ass?"
To which she replied, "Honey, your name never came up!!!"

LOL the last one Is my favorite… See you at the wedding...that is if you are invited! hahaha I like to pretend there is more than 3 people that read this page.

Friday, May 16, 2008

What the HUH?

Ever wanted a bra you could drink out of, eat out of, and lose weight from? Don't worry gentlemen, this is for you too! A designer out of London has created a Bra for both men and women. The women style looks like a tankini and the male version is a tight t-shirt style thing, without the breast bulge...almost. How this works is...

Drinking Feature: These bras come with fill able water inserts and when girls wear the bra, you cant really see them, they blend in. However on the guy's it's more spread out so when you put the water in, it's supposed the make the pectoral muscles look bigger. With this feature, it also come with a retractable straw. The straw is strategically placed where a girls under wire would be and the guy's is inserted into the collar of their shirt.

There are a few problems with this feature but the one that sticks out mainly to me is throughout out a day of drinking water, girls breast and guy's pecks you decrease in size dramatically, that would be kinda weird, and I don't stare at breasts or pecks, but I WOULD NOTICE.

Eating Feature: There is small pockets for food, on guy's you have two options the shirt pocket on the chest or fanny pack style. The girls is a detached small bag that you can attach onto your arm.

Lose Weight Feature: (possibly the most bizarre feature) This bra thing has a built in pulse sonic thing. It's basically like having a built in abtronic. So while you are wearing it, you can tone your abs.

I find this kinda strange as well because people are going to be noticing that your stomach is pulsing while hanging out on the beach. Also you will be eating while working out... That cannot be too good for you.

Now if you read this blog and you want this product (for some odd strange reason) you cant get it yet. The product is still being developed.

A funny thing is that, in the advertisement, it says this product is "Ideal for Hiking or beach laying...Definitely not a lemon" OK Hiking I maybe get... But I get that it's skimpy for the beach... BUT if you went in the water with it you would get electrocuted and you food would get soggy. I think that the inventors still have a lot of work set out for them.

If this is the next new hip thing... I'm opting out of fashion for a while...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

All about me!

I am happy to announce that I got a new job! I am the new Media Coordinator of Ritchie Bros. I am so happy about it. I cannot even express! I am a little bit scared though too. There is so much to learn it's a bit over whelming but I know I can do it.

I have also looked into the idea of purchasing a apartment/condo. With rent getting so expensive its almost the same as a mortgage payment. That would be so exciting to be able to paint my own walls and decorate in the way I want to. (Oh man, I'm starting to sound like my mom) Also Whenever I want to sell it I could and it would be a big investment. I thought that was a cool idea to entertain anyways.

Pre marital counseling is almost over. Jc and I have one session left. I have to say I'm very happy that it is ending. I thought that it was really really good and would recommend it to anyone, however, sometimes it's even too personal for me. (I would consider myself a very open person) They ask you questions that you really feel like saying..."UM EXCUSE ME!" I know that I signed up for this, but still it is a very invasive process.

I am saddened by the earthquake in China killing oer 10 000 people. So pray for theses folks, they will need it!

I ordered cheques today that say John Coates and Stephanie Coates! HOLY SHIZZA! That was fun! Now I sound like I have an Indian name. Cause I do/will. JC is 1/16th native. Isnt that strange. Wouldn't that be funny is some gene got mixed up and I had a brown baby! Ya know how you hear of theses stories where 2 black parents have a white child. LOL. I doubt it. I'm destined to have twins since my mom is a twin and it skips a generation. But we wont find out that mystery for a LONG LONG time. a mom? NOT YET THANK THE LORD! Oh a side note, the cool thing about the cheques was that they supported the WWF (not World Wresteling Federation...World Wildlife Foundation.) and they have cute panda's, polar bears, Tigers, monkeys and Lions!

Speaking of Monkeys. Did anyone hear of the 2 monkeys that were stolen out of the Greater Vancouver Zoo? Someone wire snipped the gates got in killed one of the Monkeys and stole the other! Reporters are saying that the one monkey is being sold on the Black Market and to look out for it. Ok First of all who steals monkeys and second of all... what good news watching citizen is going to keep an eye on the black market? I'm guessing that most people who watch the black market, buy off the black market. That was a bizarre quote.

And last but not least... The above cartoon personifies how I feel about life sometimes! LOL

Friday, May 2, 2008

Not that I hate the Oilers...BUT......

Today is possibly the most mortifying day in the world. I was forced to wear an Edmonton Oilers Jersey all day at work today. OILERS. For those who don’t know, I am a Calgary Flames fan and all my alliances lie with them.
The reason I am wearing this jersey is because I lost a bet. I bet that the flames would make it to the second round of the playoffs. If I won these 2 people that I work with would have to drink their morning coffee out of beautiful Calgary flames mugs…If I lost I would have to wear the Oiler’s jersey, and the worst part, EVERY FRIDAY TILL CHRISTMAS!
That is very severe. I’m hoping that this bet will subside however the two people who made it with me are very adamant. They have been threatening to take pictures at lunch, we will see how that goes!

The worst part is, people have been asking if…..
“Is it hockey day or something?”
“I’m a huge Oilers fan too!”
“Baaaa Oilers suck”
And, of course the people who come in to debate their loyalty to the Canucks against the Oilers.
I am continually setting the record strait… I am not an Oilers fan, I am a Flames fan!
And… it’s only 9:03 AM six more hours to go… torture.

Ps. Sarah I know you’re a regular reader… I apologize for outraging you in this blog…

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Take a molment to enjoy yourself!

This is halarious! I hope you enjoy it...When I read it I cracked up.
Enjoy the small things in life...Like these stories!
It may be a bit hard to read, but it's worth it!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

There is Always HOPE

I heard something very interesting on the radio this morning. It was on a program called Coast to Coast AM. It’s a radio station that is played starting at 2:00am Vancouver Time on 1410am. I listen to it when I either can’t sleep or am starting work at 5:00am and catch the last hour of the program starting at 4:00am. They always have such interesting topics…ANYWAYS…
This morning it was talking about people who were alleged geniuses of their time and the struggles that they occurred in their life time. It went into detail about the lives of people like, Beethoven (A great Blind Musician), Albert Einstein, Hubble (creator of strong telescope), Darwin (evolution) and a few others. It’s had a guest speaker who discussed that all these people had a very prominent thing in common and it was depression. They would be depressed for periods of time. Scientists believe that depression can be a result of overactive brain activity in some cases. After examining the journals and personal record in some of these genius’s scientists realized that these people were happiest when they were doing things, creating things and really exerting brain power. Basically the point of the program was that in some cases people who have high amounts of anxiety and depression like the above genius’s are actually really very smart. They are just not using their brain and engaging it to their full potential. It was when these depressive people engaged that they mad history changing discoveries and progress.

I thought that was very interesting and I really agreed to a point. I think that if people are fully engaged in life it is very motivating. I do know that some people can have a chemical imbalance in their brains but it was just proof that people can work through things, even depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorders and turn downfalls into something beautiful and brilliant.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

High Up above or down below?

Life’s Miracle’s

If you never try you will never know what is going to happen in life.
Do you really think that lights guide you home?
What do you do when you lose something you cannot replace?
Will you meet me half way.
Perfect for each other? Realize
Missed out on each other now....
I don’t care what they say I’m in love with you

I feel as if life is pulling me in different directions and lately I have been feeling a sense of urgency to be different, to think things through, and to love. I have been getting a sense that people are so lost. Sometimes I think how can I help? What can I do? This life is so strange because the littlest of things can change people, they can change myself. But I don’t want to do the little things anymore; I want to do something big. My heart is yearning to speak out on behalf of the speechless. It’s just, how do I do that. I am also learning that to speak is one thing but to speak to hearts is another thing.
When I think of these feelings however I’m overcome with sadness. I don’t even know why and it’s not for others it’s for me. I can’t explain it. I don’t know what is going on? I feel so selfish. I feel as if this unbeatable force is strangling me and inhibiting me from doing. Just doing. I have such a will to do but feel held back.
How do I do the things that I really want to do?

If you never try you will never know what is going to happen in life.
Do you really think that lights guide you home?
What do you do when you lose something you cannot replace?
Will you meet me half way.
Perfect for each other? Realize
Missed out on each other now....
I don’t care what they say I’m in love with you

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Enviromental Encouragement

We always hear terrible things about our enviroment so I thought I would tell you about some good (current)things... Here are the top 3 I found.

01. The Grey Wolf has been removed from the endangered list! It was near extinction about 15 years ago and moved to the endangered list about 10 years later....and THIS week dun da duh da.... IT was removed! The Grey wolf is now a stable member in the cicrle of life.

02. A volcano errupted in Honalulu. This actually is a good thing. There is a specific seed in which is only opened at extreamly high temperatures. (much higher that boiling) Scientists estimate it has been thousands of years (though no one really knows) since the plant has been able to reproduce. Also this plant emmits almost twice the carbon dioxide that a regular plant and scientists believe this may be one of the main conponents in fighting global warming, and greenhous gas emmisions.

03.Yah know how we are always scared of earth quakes? Well...A new, look at the Earth's crust suggests that the contine including the one underlying the Western United States -- are not completely rigid after all. When actually viewed on very long time scales, they can react with surprising fluidity scientists have reported. That means we are not sitting on the verg of our earth collapsing in front of us....THANK JESUS!

Hope you enjoyed My encouraging earth facts!

Monday, April 7, 2008

God Exists, He's Just really good at hide and Seek

Today and probably for the past week I have been contemplating the meaning of life, mine in particular. (Please be advised that if you don't feel the urge to do this, DONT. It just is so confusing. ) So today I was sitting at my desk wondering if I really have a purpose in what I'm doing or if I should be doing something else? Then It hit me... Here's the story...

Friday i was approached by a lady and she gave me a very high compliment about me being very smart. I thought that was very nice and went on my day being much happier than before. I got to thinking. What would happen if I told every person honest true things about themselves and see how the office would feel. Honestly, 50% of the people didn't even know what to say.."UMMmmm Thanks?" was a response that I got often. ( I Found that odd) Then I realized that those people were not used to having people say nice things about them. It was totally foreign for someone to actually give THEM a compliment. Wow can you imagine not ever hearing anything nice about you? Literally some people can go everyday receiving nothing nice towards them. A lady that I had complimented's Dad past away today. She came downstairs and told me about it. She felt comfortable to talk to me about it only because I had been nice to her a couple days earlier.( I think all I said was good morning I hope you have a wonderful day) This makes me think, What are all the things people do not tell others about because we haven't opened the door by being nice. Going back to my meaning of live...I found all that contemplating life overwhelmed me and really it was completely unnecessary. Just be nice. That's it. So at the risk of being too biblestudyesk Just love each other, that's all that counts.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Office Humor is Way funnier when you work in an office.

Office Humor is Way funnier when you work in an office.

Since I have been working in an office I have found out that my jokes have gotten a lot lamer and I have done some weird things. Examples you ask?
Today I caught myself winking at some old guy and he walked out the building. Not because I thought he was cute or wanted to talk to him, I was winking almost as a sense of saying, that s a funny joke. I have also been noticing that this winking business is becoming a habit! Today I winked at a VP (vice president) of the company…. Why I ask you… WHY? He looked at me and kind of smirked… oh dear! I think he knew that it was an accident. (or is that just me trying to make myself feel better?)
Also I have realized that if I don’t laugh at people’s jokes they get hurt feelings. So Trust me I am ALWAYS laughing… OK so not usually a hard task? You try and laugh at 200+ people’s jokes everyday.
Another thing that surprised me about working in an office is that I actually like some of the humor. I enjoy a “oh I think you just started something here…” or “I’m leaving for the day. Oh who am I kidding, I never leave” or “did you get my interoffice mail forward about that annoying employee.” If you have worked in an office, you WILL get that.
Anyways moral of the story The TV show “THE OFFICE” is not that bad… lol Yes I said it.(OK I’m only saying this once Aaron you were right)
Moral of the story Office humor can actually be humorous!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April fools


I have the absolute funniest Joke ever! OK So I am going to do this tonight and I will let you know how it goes... All you wonderful blog readers, let me know what you did or try this one and let me know how it goes!?
Scroll Down To read this FABULOUS TRICKERY!

Colorful Cupcakes
Meat Loaf
1 pound lean ground beef
1/2 cup seasoned bread crumbs
1 cup grated Monterey Jack cheese
3 tablespoons ketchup
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon celery salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
Potato Frosting
3 cups mashed potatoes
Food coloring
1. Heat the oven to 375 degrees. Line 12 muffin tin cups with foil bake cups.
2. In a large bowl, mix together all of the meat loaf ingredients until well combined. Divide the mixture evenly among the lined cups (the liners should be about three quarters full).
3. Place the filled muffin tins on cookie sheets and bake the cupcakes for about 15 minutes or until cooked through.
4. Divide the mashed potatoes among three small bowls and stir a few drops of food coloring into each batch to create blue, yellow, and pink pastel frosting's. Spread a generous dollop on each cupcake. Makes 12 cupcakes.
More April Fools' Food Pranks

Friday, March 28, 2008

Yeah Viagra's Cool....

Have you ever went out parting and got really drunk and thought it would be a good idea to pop a pill of Viagra for and extra little high? Well I haven't! But apparently its the new craze among teenage/young adult males. This is one thing I just don't understand. It gives these young guy's an Ecstasy like high without using the drug....BUT that's not the only high they are getting! They are also getting... OK I will say it.... BONERS that can last up to SIX HOURS! So these boys/young men, are going and parting it up while something else is up! How embarrassing! Lets face it, most of the time, when guys go out to pick up girls, them come back empty handed. The facts of life. Consequently, now with this new Viagra pill popping sensation they boy's are still not getting the girls (because of the facts of life) so they are just hanging out with their boyfriends all night... literally... this is a little strange!

So a forewarning to you ladies... Step away if you notice that "something is up," if you know what i mean! ;)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

see through toilets

Latest Buzz is that Vancouver is getting Public Toilets placed around town. However, these are not just any toilets. These toilets are made out of a material that when inside you can see out and see everything happening around you, (people walking city streets, people picking their noses, people shopping, est., est.) but people can not see in. They are going to be in an outhouse type style on street corners, basically you are going to be wiping your butt while watching people frolic around you. The Idea was adopted from Switerzland and the actual outhouse is made with reflective glass... Here are some picures of the outside and in!

Life eraser

It seems that my life is turning out to be very different than I had planned it to be. Its hard to admit that my life is this way because of me. I have had to make some very hard choices and the outcome is very different than I had planned. I guess when making decisions and choices we choose weather we grant ourselves innocence or strife or success. Some aspects of my life I am very proud of and some, I cringe, not because they are bad, but because that is not where I wanted to be at this point in my life. I wonder if in this bitterness any good can come of it? Yet if the choice came to me again, I wounder if I would just do everything the same? I guess I could make a list of what was wrong, things I probably knew would happen all along, but what would be the point?

I am really proud of somethings, but does that erase everything else? I wish there was a big life eraser and I coud do things over again, or do I? If i erased things would the good things be the same?


New Blog

Im writing a blog mainly because its tharaputic for me, but also to let people know what is going on with me, And to help people relate to me...So enjoy my New blogspot!