Friday, March 28, 2008

Yeah Viagra's Cool....

Have you ever went out parting and got really drunk and thought it would be a good idea to pop a pill of Viagra for and extra little high? Well I haven't! But apparently its the new craze among teenage/young adult males. This is one thing I just don't understand. It gives these young guy's an Ecstasy like high without using the drug....BUT that's not the only high they are getting! They are also getting... OK I will say it.... BONERS that can last up to SIX HOURS! So these boys/young men, are going and parting it up while something else is up! How embarrassing! Lets face it, most of the time, when guys go out to pick up girls, them come back empty handed. The facts of life. Consequently, now with this new Viagra pill popping sensation they boy's are still not getting the girls (because of the facts of life) so they are just hanging out with their boyfriends all night... literally... this is a little strange!

So a forewarning to you ladies... Step away if you notice that "something is up," if you know what i mean! ;)


djsamson said...

hey is it possible to leave comments for the main picture?

Stephanie said...

haha you wish it was... save that comment for yourself lol

Anonymous said...
