Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Take a molment to enjoy yourself!

This is halarious! I hope you enjoy it...When I read it I cracked up.
Enjoy the small things in life...Like these stories!
It may be a bit hard to read, but it's worth it!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

There is Always HOPE

I heard something very interesting on the radio this morning. It was on a program called Coast to Coast AM. It’s a radio station that is played starting at 2:00am Vancouver Time on 1410am. I listen to it when I either can’t sleep or am starting work at 5:00am and catch the last hour of the program starting at 4:00am. They always have such interesting topics…ANYWAYS…
This morning it was talking about people who were alleged geniuses of their time and the struggles that they occurred in their life time. It went into detail about the lives of people like, Beethoven (A great Blind Musician), Albert Einstein, Hubble (creator of strong telescope), Darwin (evolution) and a few others. It’s had a guest speaker who discussed that all these people had a very prominent thing in common and it was depression. They would be depressed for periods of time. Scientists believe that depression can be a result of overactive brain activity in some cases. After examining the journals and personal record in some of these genius’s scientists realized that these people were happiest when they were doing things, creating things and really exerting brain power. Basically the point of the program was that in some cases people who have high amounts of anxiety and depression like the above genius’s are actually really very smart. They are just not using their brain and engaging it to their full potential. It was when these depressive people engaged that they mad history changing discoveries and progress.

I thought that was very interesting and I really agreed to a point. I think that if people are fully engaged in life it is very motivating. I do know that some people can have a chemical imbalance in their brains but it was just proof that people can work through things, even depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorders and turn downfalls into something beautiful and brilliant.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

High Up above or down below?

Life’s Miracle’s

If you never try you will never know what is going to happen in life.
Do you really think that lights guide you home?
What do you do when you lose something you cannot replace?
Will you meet me half way.
Perfect for each other? Realize
Missed out on each other now....
I don’t care what they say I’m in love with you

I feel as if life is pulling me in different directions and lately I have been feeling a sense of urgency to be different, to think things through, and to love. I have been getting a sense that people are so lost. Sometimes I think how can I help? What can I do? This life is so strange because the littlest of things can change people, they can change myself. But I don’t want to do the little things anymore; I want to do something big. My heart is yearning to speak out on behalf of the speechless. It’s just, how do I do that. I am also learning that to speak is one thing but to speak to hearts is another thing.
When I think of these feelings however I’m overcome with sadness. I don’t even know why and it’s not for others it’s for me. I can’t explain it. I don’t know what is going on? I feel so selfish. I feel as if this unbeatable force is strangling me and inhibiting me from doing. Just doing. I have such a will to do but feel held back.
How do I do the things that I really want to do?

If you never try you will never know what is going to happen in life.
Do you really think that lights guide you home?
What do you do when you lose something you cannot replace?
Will you meet me half way.
Perfect for each other? Realize
Missed out on each other now....
I don’t care what they say I’m in love with you

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Enviromental Encouragement

We always hear terrible things about our enviroment so I thought I would tell you about some good (current)things... Here are the top 3 I found.

01. The Grey Wolf has been removed from the endangered list! It was near extinction about 15 years ago and moved to the endangered list about 10 years later....and THIS week dun da duh da.... IT was removed! The Grey wolf is now a stable member in the cicrle of life.

02. A volcano errupted in Honalulu. This actually is a good thing. There is a specific seed in which is only opened at extreamly high temperatures. (much higher that boiling) Scientists estimate it has been thousands of years (though no one really knows) since the plant has been able to reproduce. Also this plant emmits almost twice the carbon dioxide that a regular plant and scientists believe this may be one of the main conponents in fighting global warming, and greenhous gas emmisions.

03.Yah know how we are always scared of earth quakes? Well...A new, look at the Earth's crust suggests that the contine including the one underlying the Western United States -- are not completely rigid after all. When actually viewed on very long time scales, they can react with surprising fluidity scientists have reported. That means we are not sitting on the verg of our earth collapsing in front of us....THANK JESUS!

Hope you enjoyed My encouraging earth facts!

Monday, April 7, 2008

God Exists, He's Just really good at hide and Seek

Today and probably for the past week I have been contemplating the meaning of life, mine in particular. (Please be advised that if you don't feel the urge to do this, DONT. It just is so confusing. ) So today I was sitting at my desk wondering if I really have a purpose in what I'm doing or if I should be doing something else? Then It hit me... Here's the story...

Friday i was approached by a lady and she gave me a very high compliment about me being very smart. I thought that was very nice and went on my day being much happier than before. I got to thinking. What would happen if I told every person honest true things about themselves and see how the office would feel. Honestly, 50% of the people didn't even know what to say.."UMMmmm Thanks?" was a response that I got often. ( I Found that odd) Then I realized that those people were not used to having people say nice things about them. It was totally foreign for someone to actually give THEM a compliment. Wow can you imagine not ever hearing anything nice about you? Literally some people can go everyday receiving nothing nice towards them. A lady that I had complimented's Dad past away today. She came downstairs and told me about it. She felt comfortable to talk to me about it only because I had been nice to her a couple days earlier.( I think all I said was good morning I hope you have a wonderful day) This makes me think, What are all the things people do not tell others about because we haven't opened the door by being nice. Going back to my meaning of live...I found all that contemplating life overwhelmed me and really it was completely unnecessary. Just be nice. That's it. So at the risk of being too biblestudyesk Just love each other, that's all that counts.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Office Humor is Way funnier when you work in an office.

Office Humor is Way funnier when you work in an office.

Since I have been working in an office I have found out that my jokes have gotten a lot lamer and I have done some weird things. Examples you ask?
Today I caught myself winking at some old guy and he walked out the building. Not because I thought he was cute or wanted to talk to him, I was winking almost as a sense of saying, that s a funny joke. I have also been noticing that this winking business is becoming a habit! Today I winked at a VP (vice president) of the company…. Why I ask you… WHY? He looked at me and kind of smirked… oh dear! I think he knew that it was an accident. (or is that just me trying to make myself feel better?)
Also I have realized that if I don’t laugh at people’s jokes they get hurt feelings. So Trust me I am ALWAYS laughing… OK so not usually a hard task? You try and laugh at 200+ people’s jokes everyday.
Another thing that surprised me about working in an office is that I actually like some of the humor. I enjoy a “oh I think you just started something here…” or “I’m leaving for the day. Oh who am I kidding, I never leave” or “did you get my interoffice mail forward about that annoying employee.” If you have worked in an office, you WILL get that.
Anyways moral of the story The TV show “THE OFFICE” is not that bad… lol Yes I said it.(OK I’m only saying this once Aaron you were right)
Moral of the story Office humor can actually be humorous!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April fools


I have the absolute funniest Joke ever! OK So I am going to do this tonight and I will let you know how it goes... All you wonderful blog readers, let me know what you did or try this one and let me know how it goes!?
Scroll Down To read this FABULOUS TRICKERY!

Colorful Cupcakes
Meat Loaf
1 pound lean ground beef
1/2 cup seasoned bread crumbs
1 cup grated Monterey Jack cheese
3 tablespoons ketchup
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon celery salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
Potato Frosting
3 cups mashed potatoes
Food coloring
1. Heat the oven to 375 degrees. Line 12 muffin tin cups with foil bake cups.
2. In a large bowl, mix together all of the meat loaf ingredients until well combined. Divide the mixture evenly among the lined cups (the liners should be about three quarters full).
3. Place the filled muffin tins on cookie sheets and bake the cupcakes for about 15 minutes or until cooked through.
4. Divide the mashed potatoes among three small bowls and stir a few drops of food coloring into each batch to create blue, yellow, and pink pastel frosting's. Spread a generous dollop on each cupcake. Makes 12 cupcakes.
More April Fools' Food Pranks