I heard something very interesting on the radio this morning. It was on a program called Coast to Coast AM. It’s a radio station that is played starting at 2:00am Vancouver Time on 1410am. I listen to it when I either can’t sleep or am starting work at 5:00am and catch the last hour of the program starting at 4:00am. They always have such interesting topics…ANYWAYS…
This morning it was talking about people who were alleged geniuses of their time and the struggles that they occurred in their life time. It went into detail about the lives of people like, Beethoven (A great Blind Musician), Albert Einstein, Hubble (creator of strong telescope), Darwin (evolution) and a few others. It’s had a guest speaker who discussed that all these people had a very prominent thing in common and it was depression. They would be depressed for periods of time. Scientists believe that depression can be a result of overactive brain activity in some cases. After examining the journals and personal record in some of these genius’s scientists realized that these people were happiest when they were doing things, creating things and really exerting brain power. Basically the point of the program was that in some cases people who have high amounts of anxiety and depression like the above genius’s are actually really very smart. They are just not using their brain and engaging it to their full potential. It was when these depressive people engaged that they mad history changing discoveries and progress.
I thought that was very interesting and I really agreed to a point. I think that if people are fully engaged in life it is very motivating. I do know that some people can have a chemical imbalance in their brains but it was just proof that people can work through things, even depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorders and turn downfalls into something beautiful and brilliant.
This morning it was talking about people who were alleged geniuses of their time and the struggles that they occurred in their life time. It went into detail about the lives of people like, Beethoven (A great Blind Musician), Albert Einstein, Hubble (creator of strong telescope), Darwin (evolution) and a few others. It’s had a guest speaker who discussed that all these people had a very prominent thing in common and it was depression. They would be depressed for periods of time. Scientists believe that depression can be a result of overactive brain activity in some cases. After examining the journals and personal record in some of these genius’s scientists realized that these people were happiest when they were doing things, creating things and really exerting brain power. Basically the point of the program was that in some cases people who have high amounts of anxiety and depression like the above genius’s are actually really very smart. They are just not using their brain and engaging it to their full potential. It was when these depressive people engaged that they mad history changing discoveries and progress.
I thought that was very interesting and I really agreed to a point. I think that if people are fully engaged in life it is very motivating. I do know that some people can have a chemical imbalance in their brains but it was just proof that people can work through things, even depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorders and turn downfalls into something beautiful and brilliant.
huh I never throught of it that way. Crazy coidence that all these genuises had depression. I am gonna remember that! haha
That is an interesting coincidence. Maybe I should not get depressed about not working and be using all this free time to change the world! Haha!!
I bet you're the only one who listens to that program on 1410am at 4:00 in the morning. Maybe you and some truckers.
Its a very very good station...tonight im waking up at 2:30 so that I can hear a special! Im so excited!
There is a guy who used to be in special intelligence who worked or the us gov't. he's talking about UFO's heheh SO excited!
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