Thursday, April 3, 2008

Office Humor is Way funnier when you work in an office.

Office Humor is Way funnier when you work in an office.

Since I have been working in an office I have found out that my jokes have gotten a lot lamer and I have done some weird things. Examples you ask?
Today I caught myself winking at some old guy and he walked out the building. Not because I thought he was cute or wanted to talk to him, I was winking almost as a sense of saying, that s a funny joke. I have also been noticing that this winking business is becoming a habit! Today I winked at a VP (vice president) of the company…. Why I ask you… WHY? He looked at me and kind of smirked… oh dear! I think he knew that it was an accident. (or is that just me trying to make myself feel better?)
Also I have realized that if I don’t laugh at people’s jokes they get hurt feelings. So Trust me I am ALWAYS laughing… OK so not usually a hard task? You try and laugh at 200+ people’s jokes everyday.
Another thing that surprised me about working in an office is that I actually like some of the humor. I enjoy a “oh I think you just started something here…” or “I’m leaving for the day. Oh who am I kidding, I never leave” or “did you get my interoffice mail forward about that annoying employee.” If you have worked in an office, you WILL get that.
Anyways moral of the story The TV show “THE OFFICE” is not that bad… lol Yes I said it.(OK I’m only saying this once Aaron you were right)
Moral of the story Office humor can actually be humorous!


Sarah M said...

I'm wondering how you wink at someone by accident. I have a tough time winking and it always turns out into one of those really super obvious and awkward half of your face twitches. Hmmm.

Also, the Office IS hilarious.

Anonymous said...

I am glad we have something new in common...! I have been a good influence... I have season 1,2 and 3 if you want to borrow...

And hey, you don't laugh at all my jokes! whats up with that?

Stephanie said...

Aaron with you I dont have to pretent... I dont alught because well...half the time you just are not that funny....did I say that outloud?

Stephanie said...

ps.s I will shamefulls say I would like to borrow!

Anonymous said...

steph I happen to think my sense of humor is through the roof! (A great example right there).

yes I am glad to hear you want to borrow!