Today and probably for the past week I have been contemplating the meaning of life, mine in particular. (Please be advised that if you don't feel the urge to do this, DONT. It just is so confusing. ) So today I was sitting at my desk wondering if I really have a purpose in what I'm doing or if I should be doing something else? Then It hit me... Here's the story...
Friday i was approached by a lady and she gave me a very high compliment about me being very smart. I thought that was very nice and went on my day being much happier than before. I got to thinking. What would happen if I told every person honest true things about themselves and see how the office would feel. Honestly, 50% of the people didn't even know what to say.."UMMmmm Thanks?" was a response that I got often. ( I Found that odd) Then I realized that those people were not used to having people say nice things about them. It was totally foreign for someone to actually give THEM a compliment. Wow can you imagine not ever hearing anything nice about you? Literally some people can go everyday receiving nothing nice towards them. A lady that I had complimented's Dad past away today. She came downstairs and told me about it. She felt comfortable to talk to me about it only because I had been nice to her a couple days earlier.( I think all I said was good morning I hope you have a wonderful day) This makes me think, What are all the things people do not tell others about because we haven't opened the door by being nice. Going back to my meaning of live...I found all that contemplating life overwhelmed me and really it was completely unnecessary. Just be nice. That's it. So at the risk of being too biblestudyesk Just love each other, that's all that counts.
Steph I agree with you. Its really cool you write about this. Often in life we need people to remind us that we have value... (woah so deep)... its just true though.
I know I totally agree AARON
SO DEEP! lol
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