Tuesday, May 13, 2008

All about me!

I am happy to announce that I got a new job! I am the new Media Coordinator of Ritchie Bros. I am so happy about it. I cannot even express! I am a little bit scared though too. There is so much to learn it's a bit over whelming but I know I can do it.

I have also looked into the idea of purchasing a apartment/condo. With rent getting so expensive its almost the same as a mortgage payment. That would be so exciting to be able to paint my own walls and decorate in the way I want to. (Oh man, I'm starting to sound like my mom) Also Whenever I want to sell it I could and it would be a big investment. I thought that was a cool idea to entertain anyways.

Pre marital counseling is almost over. Jc and I have one session left. I have to say I'm very happy that it is ending. I thought that it was really really good and would recommend it to anyone, however, sometimes it's even too personal for me. (I would consider myself a very open person) They ask you questions that you really feel like saying..."UM EXCUSE ME!" I know that I signed up for this, but still it is a very invasive process.

I am saddened by the earthquake in China killing oer 10 000 people. So pray for theses folks, they will need it!

I ordered cheques today that say John Coates and Stephanie Coates! HOLY SHIZZA! That was fun! Now I sound like I have an Indian name. Cause I do/will. JC is 1/16th native. Isnt that strange. Wouldn't that be funny is some gene got mixed up and I had a brown baby! Ya know how you hear of theses stories where 2 black parents have a white child. LOL. I doubt it. I'm destined to have twins since my mom is a twin and it skips a generation. But we wont find out that mystery for a LONG LONG time. Yikearumba...me? a mom? NOT YET THANK THE LORD! Oh a side note, the cool thing about the cheques was that they supported the WWF (not World Wresteling Federation...World Wildlife Foundation.) and they have cute panda's, polar bears, Tigers, monkeys and Lions!

Speaking of Monkeys. Did anyone hear of the 2 monkeys that were stolen out of the Greater Vancouver Zoo? Someone wire snipped the gates got in killed one of the Monkeys and stole the other! Reporters are saying that the one monkey is being sold on the Black Market and to look out for it. Ok First of all who steals monkeys and second of all... what good news watching citizen is going to keep an eye on the black market? I'm guessing that most people who watch the black market, buy off the black market. That was a bizarre quote.

And last but not least... The above cartoon personifies how I feel about life sometimes! LOL

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