New Years Resolutions – Back to Basics
I have been contemplating what I should make my New Years Resolution to be this year. I want to make a new resolution rather than the same one I have every year. “To loose twenty pounds”, that is getting old, and usually doesn’t happen (Actually has never happened). I have been thinking of other things like being nicer, taking life slower, knitting, making eye contact with people who avoid eye contact, making myself more uncomfortable when reaching out and interacting with people. But then I thought about it, Yes those are all good things to do, however it just doesn’t seem like a resolution. I want to make more of a goal. So in my search to make a resolution I decided to look up the history of New Years.

Did you know?
It is believed that the Babylonians were the first to make a New Year’s Resolution? Early Christians believe that the fist day of the New Year should be spent looking back on the past year and thinking about past mistakes and resolving to improve on them in the New Year. Also Did you know that fireworks and all those loud noise makers were originally meant to scare off evil spirits and bring good luck.

Interesting hey? This made me think. I’m going to go back to basics and reflect on my past year and think of all the bad things that I did. I started on January 1st last year and remembered that I was at Laura’s house and we were playing a game with another couple. I remember making up answers to make myself more interesting in the game. So I lied and that is bad… so Resolution # 1 Tell the truth. Then I remember going back to Vancouver (1st week of January) and quit my Job at Doggy Day care with no notice. That’s mean… So Resolution # 2 Be nice
THEN I decided that I REALLY REALLY don’t want to dissect last year…
Back to Square one.
After Much thought and contemplation…
I have decided my New Years Resolution…
I am going to loose 20 pounds…

I know your thinking… BORING, But do not fear, I have added onto it this year.
Oh and I’m going to light fire works outside my house to scare off evil spirits.
(I figure what if it does work? Why take any chances in not doing it… Might as well!)

Steph, where you do get all these comics?
And nice new years resolution idea with the fireworks, sounds... cool.
My new years resolution is to eat lots of protein and gain muscle mass.
The comics... My secret...
Sooo that is just great...
My new years resolution is to loose weight and yours is to gain...
Great just great
Haha!! I laughed out loud. You lied to sound cooler? What game were we playing?
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