Today is my 2 year anniversary! Wow. How amazing is that. It feels good to hit this anniversary because (and I know it sounds cheesy) but I do love JC more now than when we got married. It’s really neat to get married young because you get to do this cool, as my mom would say it, “grow up together” thing. This past year has been one of those awesome, really enjoy each other years. I have learned a lot in this past year, the first thing that comes to mind however is, learning how to enjoy someone the way they are, and to appreciate people for the way they are. Yes, I knew this before, but really JC taught me this through marriage more, this also translates through my whole life.
Example you ask?
Well you know those really annoying people that just give you advise shamelessly. “Stephanie, you want to lose weight? Well running helps, but you should try this new vegan diet.” OR; “Stephanie, I know I have not ever seen you house, but if you want to paint you should do it this beige color, that would suit you.”
– Well I have learned, yes they are annoying, but they just want to help.
Another thing that has been bought to my attention by JC this year is the beauty of a good intention. This makes me think of the infamous blanket story. Before JC and I got married, one day he called me and said, “Steph I have the most amazing surprise for you, Its so awesome, you are going to love it.” About an hour later… “Steph, just wanted to call to say, you are going to LOVE what I got you.” At the end of the day JC comes home with 2 blankets. No not a nice pink one with a floral patter, and no, not a throw blanket for the couch (although I’m sure he would have loved to keep it there) and no, it did have a nice pattern that would compliment the house. The blanket came with flaming orange black and yellow colors on one, and blue, green and black colors on the other, oh, and did I mention, giant Canucks and Flames logos? Yes, JC bought his and her hockey blankets. Wow a man after my own heart. Yes this is a beginner male mistake, buy something YOU love and give it to somebody you love… But still I think back, and the intention was there. That’s the point. You can over look some things as long at there is good intentions.
Okay that’s all I learned in the past year! – Kidding, but those are some serious life lessons, it makes you happier when you always see the good intention and appreciate people’s good qualities, whether you are married or not!
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