Never Tell a Lie.
I got a Root Canal last Wednesday and as everyone knows with a root canal comes a bit of pain. I find it weird that I had to get a root canal since my tooth was not actually sore, but, I trust (trusted?) my dentist and I went ahead with the procedure. So I came back to work after my root canal still a bit frozen, but determined to get my work done. My mouth was a bit swollen, but I figured that would go down and it did for the most part. All my co workers were very aware of the procedure and made a few jokes about frozenness and that was that.
I got a Root Canal last Wednesday and as everyone knows with a root canal comes a bit of pain. I find it weird that I had to get a root canal since my tooth was not actually sore, but, I trust (trusted?) my dentist and I went ahead with the procedure. So I came back to work after my root canal still a bit frozen, but determined to get my work done. My mouth was a bit swollen, but I figured that would go down and it did for the most part. All my co workers were very aware of the procedure and made a few jokes about frozenness and that was that.
Yesterday, one week after the root canal, I came into work and someone asked me if my mouth was still sore. Truthfully, Its not really, there is one spot in my mouth that is a tad bit tender, but nothing major. But for some reason to my co workers question I respond, “Yeah I think it’s a bit infected.” – OKAY FIRST Why the H--E double hockey sticks would I even say that? I guess I wanted some sympathy that day. Anywho, my coworkers when on about, “Oh yeah, I can really see the swelling in you cheeks” & “Oh wow right on your left cheek” & “I bet you will be happy when the swelling goes down.” OH MY WORD… My cheeks are not even swollen. They are normal size which okay I admit is a tad rounder than the usual person, but its part of my charm… right?
Now every morning that I come in I have to hold true to the infection story, today was “much better.” I work with mostly women who want to be or who have already been mothers and lets just say everyone has some advise, every – single – morning. Oh I can wait until Monday when I am “healed up.” I don’t know how much more of this advice I can take. Well I guess this will teach me a lesson.
Don’t lie, its too much work.

1 comment:
haha so true
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