This past weekend I took a splendid trip to Calgary. When I was in Calgary I saw my Step Mom, Karen, who had just recently come back from a two week trip to Africa. While she was there she picked up some tea for my brother and myself. It was supposed to be some of the best tea in the world, so I was very excited to get it home and try some. The loose leaf tea was packaged in a clear package about the size of a large zip lock bag, and as I was leaving My Mom and Dad’s house I made a joke about how the package look like a bag of weed and “I hope they don’t catch me…” joke joke lol.
Do I ever regret that statement.
I brought my luggage to the airport, checked my bag and boarded my plane. (This only had 12 people in total on it; Talk about people not wanting to spend money in an economic crisis. No wonder I got my flights for 52 dollars) When I arrived in Vancouver I walked over to the luggage carousel and saw about 10 bags come out. I waited, and waited, and waited, and then, the carousel stopped. I then thinking my baggage was lost (with all my new clothes I bought) sadly sauntered over to the “lost baggage counter.” When I asked the lady about my luggage she could not find it in the system, she said in a very concerned voice “I’m sorry Miss Leakey, It looks like the bag never even made it onto the plane. Could you please wait a moment, I am going to contact security.” Then she proceeded to call security, and inform them that passenger Leakey was at the baggage counter. Another West Jet person came to the counter and said in a stern don’t mess with me voice, “I’m sorry that this has been an inconvience Miss Leakey, but your baggage has be detained under the circumstance of suspicious content.”
GOODNESS GRACIOUS… was my first reaction, followed by a long sigh in preparation for the explanation of the tea in my bag. I knew immediately that the tea must have been the culprit in getting me in trouble. I told the West Jet representative in a calm manner, well as calm as I can be, that “I have some loose leave tea in my bag and you want to get some hot water, I would be happy to sit down and have a cup with her.” She did not appreciate that very much, and told me that my bag will be detained for up to 30 day until the content has been examined.
Just my luck, I am busted for pot, and have never even smoked the stuff. This whole situation makes me know that I do not believe in karma. I would totally get it if I were some sort of stoner in the past; this sort of stuff would just be bound to happen. But Moi? Really? Apparently so.
Have no fear however, I got a phone call about 1 hour after I left the airport telling me that my luggage was going to be sent on my next flight and for the inconvience, I get a $100.00 West Jet flight Credit, A very happy ending to a crappy / comical situation.
ha ha sweet, at least you get 100.
BY the way i have been watching season 2 of heros and am so addicted!
Hahaha when season 3 comes out on video, we will have a hero's party lol
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