Last night I was sitting in school contemplating life and how I feel so busy and sometimes really stressed out with all I’m doing, then I got some forward thinking and realized, that wow, lately my life has been pretty darn good.
01. Olympics – The Vancouver 2010 Olympics were incredible. It was so amazing to be in a city with so much excitement. I felt as if I was a tourist in some exciting city over sea’s. My favorite part had to be… all the people that came to the city. It was so much fun.
02. Marathon – Okay, this has not happened yet, but I am joining a running club starting in April. Basically they are going to go though how to train for races. We will first have a goal of a 10 km race, and then we will have a goal to run a marathon. That will be a whopping 26.3 km. The marathon will be in the Okanogan in October, so I have just over 6 months to train. Wow – That may sound ambitious, but it a goal that I am committing to do.
03. Work – Work is looking really good right now. I am getting opportunities right now that are pointing me in the direction I really want to go.
04. Field Hockey – So this year I decided that I wanted to try something new. Field hockey was the new sport of choice. I have as of this Saturday successfully completed a season of field hockey, and my team won first place in regular season, and well… we will see what place they get in cup, there are two options, Silver and Gold. – Also we have a glow in the dark team fundraiser, lol Gotta love have a team 85 % Under the age of 19!
05. Plant – I don’t know if I got this love from my mom – and sometimes I hate to admit it but, I got a new plant and… well I really love it. Its like a feeling that my house is fresh and fulfilled lol. It’s a big palm tree looking plant, and… okay I will stop but I love it.
06. Felony – I got pulled over by a cop and he let me go free, Do you think it had anything to do with me batting my eyelashes?
07. Bob and Jillian – Okay so I hate Bob and Jillian when I am doing the workout, but I love them after. The biggest loser workout video’s have been a blast to do and are an amazing workout!
08. Charmed – Have you ever hear of that show Charmed? It’s a show about 3 witches, its kinda old, well, I love it. I have been watching the tv dvd’s and MAN, hahaha so good! – That alone brings joy to my life
09. Wine – My favorite wine right now is a Donna Paula – Melbec. Its from Argentina. Year 2007. Man alive, its good, Its balanced flavor and Very delish, and also not too heavey, you can drink it on its own and don’t even need food lol. Now that is what I call a STUPENDOUS wine.
10. Nikkolas – So for those who didn’t know Nikkolas Bryan Geary was born recentlyJ. He is the cutest little cutie pie ever and is such a blessing to JC and I. He has started to smile and kind of coo. Oh my What beautiful boy!
you have a really good perspective on life. PS now I understand the marathon phone call!
I agree. you should keep on enjoying all those fun things. I am glad you don't let the tougher things interfere with counting your blessings. By the way some of your good things have been tough going to get where you are. Good job honey pie!
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