My Mom told me this story the other day how a flock of birds were migrating and decided to take a fly brake right outside of the backyard. She was very impressed exclaiming, “oh it was amazing” and “it was just fab.” Mom even went as far as to put a picture on facebook. (See Below) I thought, hmm that is impressive, and moved on with my daily life.
Yesterday while I was at BCIT on a Blustery Monday, I looked in the sky and saw thousands of the same black birds. They were literally circling my school, perching wherever they wanted to, and cawing like nothing else I have ever heard. I thought “Hmmm this is really cool, Now I see what mom meant.” So I went into my class ducking a bit because there was so many birds it was a bit eerie. (Picture College campus, very windy, fall day, getting dark…you get my drift) After class I walked out of the building wondering if the birds would still be there. None in sight, Its like they just got up and all the herd of them left, and when they did, I’m pretty sure they flew right over my car.

When I got to my car I had 17 Bird POOPS on my car! 17! I counted… Do these Birds have aim?