The last month…
This past months has been a whirlwind of social events, weddings, and a bit of traveling. Perhaps the highlight of this past month was going to Mexico for a friends wedding. It was a beautiful wedding and Mexico was amazing. Great weather, awesome service, delicious food, there was just one small problem. It just so happens that when I was in Mexico, the H1N1 Virus hit. (Also know as the swine flu) What are the chances? At first I was not too worried about it, I though, “Just a flu, It cant be too serious.” Then I started seeing a couple people wearing masks and it really hit about halfway through the week when I saw early checkout notices and almost every third door. That is when we turned on the TV and wow, I think that may have been a bad move. On the TV all that was talked about was the swine flu and how it was a global pandemic and reached a 5 out of 6 on the severity level for unknown virus’s. Then we started hearing that flights were not leaving Mexico City, or had a very low chance of leaving. We had to re book our flight on another airline to avoid the travel through Mexico City, which is a good thing because I later found out that flights that day were all canceled due to people not going into work. This is when things around us started to shut down. The brother of the bride decided one night that he was going to a night club. He paid this Mexican guy 40.00 buck to drive him around to 3 clubs. The Mexican guy did in fact drive him around… He didn’t know the clubs were not open?! He did his job so he never refunded our friend… Nice Right?
The flight home was also eventful, there were many people in the airport with masks and when you were checking in you had to de a brief medical exam because they wanted to make sure you didn’t have swine. What I was wondering is, what if you did? Would you be left in Mexico? It was very interesting when we were connecting in Phoenix because we were treated very much like a leper. People didn’t want to come close or breath or talk to us. I felt like a foreigner! But that is totally okay because this foreigner got one whole week off work PAID as sick time. I was quarantined! How crazy is that!
Ahhh another life blessing in disguise!
This past months has been a whirlwind of social events, weddings, and a bit of traveling. Perhaps the highlight of this past month was going to Mexico for a friends wedding. It was a beautiful wedding and Mexico was amazing. Great weather, awesome service, delicious food, there was just one small problem. It just so happens that when I was in Mexico, the H1N1 Virus hit. (Also know as the swine flu) What are the chances? At first I was not too worried about it, I though, “Just a flu, It cant be too serious.” Then I started seeing a couple people wearing masks and it really hit about halfway through the week when I saw early checkout notices and almost every third door. That is when we turned on the TV and wow, I think that may have been a bad move. On the TV all that was talked about was the swine flu and how it was a global pandemic and reached a 5 out of 6 on the severity level for unknown virus’s. Then we started hearing that flights were not leaving Mexico City, or had a very low chance of leaving. We had to re book our flight on another airline to avoid the travel through Mexico City, which is a good thing because I later found out that flights that day were all canceled due to people not going into work. This is when things around us started to shut down. The brother of the bride decided one night that he was going to a night club. He paid this Mexican guy 40.00 buck to drive him around to 3 clubs. The Mexican guy did in fact drive him around… He didn’t know the clubs were not open?! He did his job so he never refunded our friend… Nice Right?
The flight home was also eventful, there were many people in the airport with masks and when you were checking in you had to de a brief medical exam because they wanted to make sure you didn’t have swine. What I was wondering is, what if you did? Would you be left in Mexico? It was very interesting when we were connecting in Phoenix because we were treated very much like a leper. People didn’t want to come close or breath or talk to us. I felt like a foreigner! But that is totally okay because this foreigner got one whole week off work PAID as sick time. I was quarantined! How crazy is that!
Ahhh another life blessing in disguise!